COT Starts in 2 days

I wish I knew how to post pictures because I might be able to show you what nervousness feels like. I'll have to learn that later. Anyways, its been a bit of a journey even up to now. I've failed to get my uniforms ahead of time, as recommended by everybody who has ever done this. It isn't my fault though, I drove all the way up to Wright-Patt and gave the gate guards my orders and picture ID. The guards protective instincts kicked into overdrive and they decided NOPE we will not let this guy on because we don't want to be responsible for what this 26 year old 152 pound lawyer from Kentucky in a Black Honda Civic (that is ever so slightly dirty) is gonna do when he gets on base and trys to buy clothes. Oh well, all this means is that I'm gonna get yelled at when I go to buy clothes at COT.

As far as preparedness for training, I have good news and bad news. The good news is I am in good enough shape to take care of business. The bad news is I don't know enough about drill procedures, class procedures, dining procedures, studying procedures, and saluting procedures. I may be in the same boat as most on some of this, so I won't worry too much about it. As one ALJ in Louisville Kentucky put it to me (before I left my prevous job) "It may be in two weeks or 10 years, but nobody's gonna remember or care about your screw ups. So don't stress yourself out."

In other really good news, I get to join one of the most amazing and talented group of professionals in the world. Having talked to many of them, I have come to realize that the lawyers in the military are truly an elite class unto their own. They are great people, great lawyers and great countrymen. I am excited to serve my country in this capacity as it truly is a blessing. For those of you who picked me out of a crowd of well-qualified candidates, I hope to do you all proud.

One last comment before I go, thank you to everybody who has supported us with prayer and encouragement. It has been hard to leave home again but this is a journey that we feel we were called to take. This is something we have to do. I want to give a special thanks to our parents. My father has been unexpectedly supportive of this decision, and it is appreciated. Thanks all. Hopefully Becky will get to post while I'm in training. I'll catch you up when I get out.



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